Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm so proud of them....

I'm so proud of my older kids today....
They had to get blood drawn for the first time
Yea... I had no idea how they were going to take it...
Christi is 10 but she has a fear of needles I can't even begin to explian...
Sean went first... he's 7 & wow was he a champ... gave a little cry when they first stuck him but he was fine after a, kept asking to get stickers Christi on the other hand, I thought I was going to have to hold her down...
She got in the chair & b 4 she was even touched she was crying... she's so afraid of needles & the stress of just the thought of it makes her hyperventilate.. so between her crying, me holding her still & her digging her nails into my arm, she screamed so loud a nurse from across the hall came running in... they managed to get some.. whew.... lol, they clapped for her & gave her some more, the mommy guilt sucked though... I took them to the PX after & let them pick out a new movie...
lol, through the whole thing... Ian just sat in his stroller staring... I'm SO glad he decided to b a good baby today, lol