Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Baby's Walking!!!!

My baby's finally walking!!

YAY !!!!!

lol....It's all down hill from here...

I wish Mike were here...but that's why we have video... I'm thinking of getting a regular camcorder... I love my camera & it's takes great HD vids the problem is I can't keep still enough to make it worth it sometimes.... we'll see....

Today I'm taking the kids to the mall to get out of the house... we have left over Chuck E Cheese tokens so were gonna go use them... lol Then I think maybe we'll grab some lunch at the food court... I was just there yesterday for a mani/pedi & the one thing I love about it being close to payday ... everything as

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I'm a dork... but a happy dork....

LOL...There are days where it's just the little things that make me smile ... & keep me smiling all day! lol... This morning was one of them... I bought a waffle, in the shape of Scooby Doo... this morning I suprised my kids by getting it out & all set... they got to help my make the batter & watched me pour & helped me time it... it was really cute... Sean's 7 & still loves Scooby... Christi just loves playing mommy, lol & Ian... well... Ian didn't really care, he just wanted breakfast, lol We talked, laughed & ate our Scooby faces...It made me really miss Mike that much more... His R&R got pushed back til Sept so the little things just make me miss him that much more.. some days I just hate him missing things like this... *sigh* lol...

Doesn't it look yummy? !!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Long week...

And it's not even over yet....
Just a week filled with doc appts & BS.. oh & a lotta death, lol..
Things I'm pondering this week:
Why do computer geeks who work in repair shops assume your an idiot when you bring in your system? We had a really bad power outage here... enough to blow my backup battery.. it flickered twice & while trying to shut it down right it killed again & I said F' it & pulled the plug, lol... when all was said & done I turn it back on & my backup battery is dead... & it's been acting funny. So to be on the safe side I take it in a few days ago to have them check my power suppily,fan,etc to make sure nothing got fried in there.... yea... when I went to pick it up today... I guess he didn't read the slip of why it was there B/C he proceeds to tell me he's been playing with my system & starts telling me things he put in my start menu that he reccomends, etc... yea... I had to inform the dumbass I knew my way around my start menu & took those things out on purpose b/c I like to do my updates & etc manually... oh & then he tells me he couldn't find anything wrong... so I'm like great, everythings good in there... so I ask how dusty it was b/c I haven't cracked my case since we moved & I know it needs a good spray with the good 'ol compressed air.. when he remarkes that he didn't even check any of that out!! GGGRRRR He didn't read my slip, he read the one that was supposed to go to a laptop that I saw sitting next to my desktop... blah... so I watch him take it back, open it up & plug it in.. great everything good... all of which took 5 mintues... they've had my damn desktop since Monday!!