Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

One of my resolutions this year is to get better about writing here... lol.. I need a place to ramble  :)

We rang in the new year twice last night... once at 11 with the kids b/c were an hour behind New York where the ball drops... I think they should replay that last hour for the rest of the time zones.... lol  but anyway...
We rang our new year at midnight again with a few of our non-freak friends ;)  lol   We rented a new game for the Wii, mini golf... lol... yea....I'll have you know the more sleepy I got the better I played... how freakin sad is that? Mike & I aren't drinkers.. really haven't been in years.. so we always buy just buy Martinelli's & have that... the kids get a huge kick out of it b/c I still put it in our champange flutes... & it tastes good... so had that with the kids & Tanya & Quan bought over reg champange for us...   yummy.... lol
Today we finish getting the tree & etc down & put away... or at least I hope to... ol I got the ornaments off... that's a start right?

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