Sunday, April 27, 2014

Random morning things....

I hate the default fonts on here.... should have more choices... lol  not that I use it often enough to care just EH.... lol
God it's early again.....on a weekend.... when I should let myself sleep in I'm up & moving.... well up anyway :-) 

The moving part is coming & going....dishes done... laundry still sleeping.... & 3 cats running around doing some crazy morning shit lol 
Looking over the last few pix I took of Mike.... I hate change.... I'm used to change... I handle it well enough....I deal with it all the damn but I really deep down hate it....  This is no different.  We've moved off post... which sucked... mainly b/c moving always but this was different. We've lived on post most of his Military career... This just made retirement more real...feeling out of my comfort zone is hard for makes me feel weak & that just turns my tummy lol 
But I deal... as I always have lol   

Today I think I'll finish a little more unpacking...right after I fold laundry... IF the kids aren't up by then :-)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Has it been that long?

I haven't posted in forever... mainly b/c I forget about this thing :)  
Going to try & make a better effort  :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Is it bad?

That I remember about this thing when someone else posts on theirs? LOL
The kids had an awesome summer.... School started back Aug 23rd & I'm doing PTA again so things are pretty crazy around here.....

Monday, May 24, 2010

Time Flies...

When your not really paying attention... lol

The kids are growing like crazy... Mike's been back for awhile & things are starting to get back to "normal" around here...
Well... as normal as our lifes can get :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

One of my resolutions this year is to get better about writing here... lol.. I need a place to ramble  :)

We rang in the new year twice last night... once at 11 with the kids b/c were an hour behind New York where the ball drops... I think they should replay that last hour for the rest of the time zones.... lol  but anyway...
We rang our new year at midnight again with a few of our non-freak friends ;)  lol   We rented a new game for the Wii, mini golf... lol... yea....I'll have you know the more sleepy I got the better I played... how freakin sad is that? Mike & I aren't drinkers.. really haven't been in years.. so we always buy just buy Martinelli's & have that... the kids get a huge kick out of it b/c I still put it in our champange flutes... & it tastes good... so had that with the kids & Tanya & Quan bought over reg champange for us...   yummy.... lol
Today we finish getting the tree & etc down & put away... or at least I hope to... ol I got the ornaments off... that's a start right?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tales of the 33 pound turkey....

LOL ok.. it's 32 & whatever ounces but it's a huge ass turkey... not to mention the almost 18 pound ham that went with it.... lol this has been an awesome Thanksgiving!
Mike's finally home from Afghanistan... a month early! lol... I had already made plans to come to Fort Rielly Kansas to see friends & spending thanksgiving with them... though I offered to cancel Mike said we'll still come... So here we are in the land of Dorothy & Toto... eating a monster turkey & ham with all the trimmings...planing out our black friday shopping... lol hitting a few stores if possible.. depends on what we can find.. the ads have been a little dissapointing this year... my mom REALLY wants a GPS & the kids want MP3 players... so that's the big things on my list... I'm going with a few friends so we'll see...hoping to get at least the GPS... right now I'm trying to get my tummy to settle down enough to stuff some homemade pumpkin pie down it :)

Monday, September 28, 2009


my love note didn't post... let's try this again....